Procurement Procedures
The Procurement Policy
1. Purpose
The purchase of goods and services is necessary for the smooth operation of the organisation. The aim of the internal control system for the supplying of goods and services is to ensure orders are handled by individuals having skills in evaluating what purchases are required from suppliers offering the best deals, to ensure purchases made do not exceed the budget provided and to ensure purchased goods and services conform with the quantity and price specified in the order.
2. Methodology
SFH shall follow certain methods in purchasing goods, equipment and services required for the needs of the organisation or its projects. Use of competitive bidding shall be a priority practice. The first criterion in choosing a supplier shall be the lowest bid. However, if a supplier does not provide the required level of service or an adequate guarantee, then other criteria shall also be considered. SFH shall specify in the purchase file the reasons the lowest bid was not chosen.
- For purchases under $________, a price survey by telephone of two suppliers will be sufficient for determining the supplier.
- For purchases above $________, a quotation/invoice shall be obtained from three local suppliers.
- The purchase file shall contain all the documents pertaining to each transaction, i.e. the purchase requisition, quotations, contact information of suppliers purchase contracts or orders, invoices, delivery slips and any other pertinent documents.
3. Purchases
Employees making purchases as part of the project activity or organisational work shall follow these mechanisms:
a. Requisition form – the employee requesting a purchase fills this form, has it approved b the Executive Director and sends it to finance division.
b. Order form – the finance division issues the order form, after it is signed by the Executive Director. The concerned employee or the finance division will make the purchase successful on the basis of the order form.
c. Delivery slip – After the purchase has been made, a delivery slip will be issued by the finance division for the supplier, who will sign it and give it back to the finance division. However, the procurement procedures categorized into 5 (five) major sections. These polices and guidelines are consistent with minimum logistical standards provided by SFH, and are
reflected of unavoidable country – specific realities. The five major categories include:
- Procurement
- Warehouse
- Asset Management
- Vehicle Management
- Notes on policy Revision and management
This polices and guidelines will apply to all staff (local staff & expatriates) employed by Seeds for Hope Organisation (SFH), at all field localities. They principally aim at:
- Ensuring that the logistics department delivers the right supplies/works/services in good time, in the right quantities, at the right place, at the right price and in the right condition.
- Providing a framework through which salient issues are clarified to all staff.
- Reducing over dependence on individual judgment.
- Creating consistence in operations.
- Communicating management position to all the staff.
- Creating clear responsibility.
- Promoting transparency.
This manual may be reviewed on a yearly basis to make the required change to suit revised instruction from SFH Executive panel or changed condition in country.
The Procurement Plan
The Procurement Plan, including its updates, shall include:
- Brief description of the activities/ projects
- The selection methods to be applied
- Cost estimates
- Time schedule
- The bank review requirement
- The applicable Procurement Documents; and
- Any other relative procurement information
For emergency situations, the simplified Procurement Plan may be completed during the implantation
Rules and Regulations
SFH Rules and Regulations
- The present rules and regulations are in effect as of 2016
- Rules and regulations are an integral part of all individual employment contracts within (SFH)
- Before signing employment contract, all employees have agreed to read, understand and
become familiar with this Internal Rules &Regulation of SFH. - Employees can retain the right to make alteration and additions if required by circumstances
- The employee is obliged to keep in good condition any materials entrusted to him/her for work
purposes. - SFH is committed to providing a work Environment that is free from harassment, thereby
promoting the dignity and equality of the human person therefore all employees should
understand and respect the policy, and sign on the Harassment paper document. - Child Protection Policy to be signed by all SFH`s staff, volunteers, Interns, Visitors, Media,
Contractors, Suppliers, Donors, Sponsors and with individuals who get into contact with
children in a SFH`s program (Similar to WV child Policy)
There are rules connected with sector
Human Resource
SFH has established and approved labor law matching to Sudan Government national labor law contains details and conditions of employment and it has the duties and rights of all employees working with SFH.
The present law, rules and regulation are in effect as of 2016, they are integral part for
all individual employment before signing their employment contract with SFH they
should read, understand and become familiar with internal regulation.
Finance Sector
Finance is one of the basic sectors headed by qualified staff gained their experience and through the long partnership with many different donors and international NGOs, SFH succeeds to develop finance system in terms of policy, formats, and book keeping and all senior staff should go through and understand and fallow the rules and finance instructions.
SFH is committed to coordinate with line ministries, community leaders and the other relevant stakeholders in addition to UN agencies, international non-governmental Organizations (INGOs) and National non-governmental Organization (NNGOs), therefore SFH attends all coordination meetings related to activities and to share its experience with the humanitarian actors on the ground especially with the main forums of Coordination.
-From early beginning SFH started partnership with World Vision International to implement: –
– WASH project: in Kass. North Nyala, & North East WV areas
– WASH and Agriculture & Animal Resource: at Manawashi and Niteaga areas.
– WASH: at Idd – Elfirsan areas.
– SFH has negotiate Water Quality problems for Nyala Town with Byzmealim Vakf University from Turkey base in Istanbul to chlorinate, train lab technicians, community awareness rising and to conduct regular wells test, in addition to create new filing system keep information
– Muslim Hands International UK Sudan Office donated water project at South and West Nyala Town New construction and rehabilitation of Hand Pumps and Motorize pumps with aprons.
– ZOA International: DRA Joint Response SDN JR4 Project to implement activities of Education and WASH in Beliel Locality, Nyala, alongside SIPRA Project in agricultural sector in Mershing and Sunta Localities.
– NRC in WASH Services and Hygiene Kits project.
– Care International in BHA 23.
– WVI: Recovery in Sudan for Improved Nutrition & Growth (RISING III) & KFW projects.
– Partnership with Sudanese Turkish Hospital to provide medical services to IDPs camps in Nyala where SFH facilitated to get approval from HAC and Ministry of Health to narrow the gap due to quitted INGOs. This permitted SFH register the patients and then transporting them to the hospital, seeing the Doctors, investigations, medical treatment, having meal and back to camps for free to all IDPS during 2016 and will continue.
Government Line Ministries
– Partnership with all Government Sectors and community at all stages of implementation to promote processes based on the optimization of the resource and the quality of the work to achieve the best and to have positive impact.
Logistic Manual
of conduct governing the awarding and administration of goods and works/services contracts and /or grants.
The success of any system depends on the use of appropriate and consistent policies, procedures, and guideline that ensure proper accountability to itself and its beneficiary (s). It is also contingent upon clear, accurate, and effective communication, be it between individuals and departments within that system or between the system itself and outside parties.
Seeds for Hope Organization (SFH) programme is no executed in the spirit of these virtues, which are aimed at being unswervingly accountable to its beneficiaries and donor, however SFH has created Logistic Manual (attached with the profile) matching the needs of the activities and similar to the Partner systems to support the staff achieving their activities in an appropriate manner. Logistics has the responsibility of maximizing the use of the resources it has received from donors and ensuring that the materials and works/services it acquires are obtained in an effective, equitable and economic manner and in compliance with established and accepted standards.
Herein, contained therefore, are the standardized logistics and procurement procedures categorized into 5 (five) major sections. These polices and guidelines are consistent with minimum logistical standards provided by SFH, and are reflected of unavoidable country – specific realities. The five major categories include:
- Procurement
- Warehouse
- Asset Management
- Vehicle Management
- Notes on policy Revision and management
These polices and guidelines will apply to all staff (local & expatriates) employed by Seeds for Hope Organisation, at all field localities. They principally aim at:
- Ensuring that the logistics department delivers the right supplies/works/services in good time, in the right quantities, at the right place, at the right price and in the right condition.
- Providing a framework through which salient issues are clarified to all staff.
- Reducing over dependence on individual judgment.
- Creating consistence in operations.
- Communicating management position to all the staff.
- Creating clear responsibility.
- Promoting transparency.
This manual may be reviewed on a yearly basis to make the required change to suit revised instruction
from SFH Executive panel or changed condition in country.
Child Protection Unit
SFH`s Board of Directors agreed to develop Child protection policy in cooperation with the partners who have long experience in this field, subsequently all SFH’s staff, Volunteers, Interns, Visitors, Media, Contractors, Suppliers, Donors, Sponsors and with individuals who get into contact with children in SFH programme should sign in the course of theirassociation with SFH, they will track the guideline below as we did with partner (WVI):
- Treat all children and young people that I get into contact with in the course of my work/visit with respect regardless of race, color, sex, language, disability, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, birth or other status.
- Provide a welcoming, inclusive and safe environment for all children, young people, parents, employees and volunteers across the programme area.
- Encourage children, young people, parents, employees and volunteers to speak up about issues that affect them within the course of my work.
- Refrain from using corporal punishment on children.
- Immediately report concerns or allegations of child abuse in accordance with SFH’s reporting process.
- Comply with local, national and international child protection laws.
- Ensure that, whenever possible, another adult is present when I am working with children, or in the proximity of children
- Use inappropriate language – whether of an offensive, discriminatory, demeaning, abusive
or sexual nature – when speaking with or whilst in the presence of a child or young person. - Engage in behavior to shame, humiliate, belittle or degrade a child or young person, or
- otherwise emotionally abuse a child or young person Marry a person under the age of 18
- Act in a sexually provocative manner or engage children in any form of sexual activity including paying for sexual services
- Hold, kiss, cuddle or touch a child in an inappropriate, unnecessary or culturally insensitiv way
- Condone or participate in, behavior with children which is illegal, unsafe or abusive
- Discriminate against or in favor of particular children to the exclusion of others
- Spend time outside work requirements with any child or young person connected with SFH’s programme
- Hire children for any labor which is inappropriate for their age or development, interferes with their education or play, or places them at risk of injury
- Do things for children of a personal nature that they can do for themselves such as toileting them or changing their clothes
- Sleep in close proximity to any children during SFH `s activity unless it is absolutely necessary, in which case I will keep my supervisor/manager informed and ensure another adult is present, where possible (noting that this does not apply to my own children).
- Access or create sexually abusive images of children,
- Use computers, mobile phones, video or digital cameras or any other technology for the purpose of exploiting or harassing children.
- Assess and comply with local traditions or restrictions on reproducing personal images
- At a minimum, obtain and document verbal consent from children and/or their parent or guardian and explain how the photograph or film will be used. Written consent should be obtained, where possible
- Ensure photographs, films, videos and DVDs present children in a dignified and respectful manner and not in a vulnerable or submissive manner.
- Children should be adequately clothed and not in poses that could be perceived
- Ensure images are honest representations of the situations and the facts
- Ensure the identities of children and young people in photographic and electronic images are not disclosed
- Ensure these files are stored securely and access is limited on a needs basis to relevant staff only.
SFH intends to address the problems outlined above through the multi-sectoral interventions detailed in the profile description. The Seeds for Hope (SFH) is an International nonprofit organization that has provided humanitarian assistance to thousands of beneficiaries over the past years. SFH works with IDPs and affected communities in South and East Darfur States, helping people regain control of their lives. SFH is seeking support from Donors because of a long-standing, effective partnership, and because SFH objectives are in line with the Donor’s mandate to alleviate human suffering and reduce the economic and social impact of humanitarian emergencies and development.