
We Work Together

SFH is
working to ensure a future in which natural infrastructure- the intact ecosystems we all rely on
for important benefits like clean water and air – is conserved and the infrastructure we build
meets societal needs, all while maintaining or restoring biodiversity and ecosystem services and
avoiding or minimizing greenhouse gas emissions by taking social concerns and ecological and
climate factors into accounts. However, since its independence, Sudan has been suffering and
experiencing renewed conflicts, such situations, resulted in a number of wars, spread of
violence and political stability.

We Are Non Profit Organization

SHF is an independent, secular, nongovernmental, non
partisan and non-profit organization established in
2016 and dedicated to the promotion of human rights, peace
building and development. SHF works closely with IDPs,
host communities, returnees, vulnerable, needy populations
and affected communities at the grassroots level,
irrespective of their social, ethnic and religious backgrounds or political affiliation to
build resilience. We take steps in the direction of sustainability to prevent or stop
damaging infrastructure development and advocate for alternatives where we adopted
unique approach to craft proactive environmental solutions

what we do

  • Mitigate the human Suffering and reduce the economic and social impact of humanitarian emergencies and development.
  • Strengthen capacity building through trainings and community engagement.
  • Provide a livelihood opportunity through micro-funding.
  • Deliver humanitarian assistance in emergency aspects.
  • SHF executes a country –wide awareness raising project focusing on preparing grassroots communities for combating Climate Change.
  • Improve the overall Health, Nutrition and WASH projects localities of Nyala-South Darfur State.
  • Food security and livelihood projects
  • Emergency interventions
  • Education projects

We Are A Strong Team

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Become a volunteer

Join us for a better life and beautiful future

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